Connection, Fulfillment and Authenticity...At Silverfox Equestrian Club's virtual educational community, we empower riders to learn effectively from home, optimizing your time with horses. Delve into the 'how' and 'why' of riding and training, recognizing how horses enrich and refine our human experiences. Embrace the philosophy of working smarter, not harder, foster a harmonious bond between you and horses. Best of all it's FREE (until the end of January 2024) to be part of our Club!
In our community, our coaches are more than just Equestrian Canada Certified/Licensed, with over 30 years of experience, in training horses and riders. They are mentors, deeply versed in mindset and life coaching, prioritizing the mental health of both horse and rider above all. They impart comprehensive knowledge of horsemanship, riding, training techniques and exercises, enriching your equestrian journey.
At Silverfox Equestrian Club, our Club 'facilities' are virtual, breaking geographical barriers and offering a unique advantage. Our virtual platform allows riders worldwide to access our supportive and encouraging community from any location, regardless of the barn you ride at. This accessibility transforms our club into a global source of reference, ensuring that wherever you are in the world, wherever you are at with your riding, you can join us and become part of this inclusive and supportive equestrian family.
Join our virtual haven at Silverfox Equestrian Club, where geographical constraints vanish, and the possibilities for your equestrian journey are boundless. Our virtual platform eliminates barriers, welcoming riders worldwide, irrespective of their riding location.
Wherever you ride, whatever your level, our inclusive and supportive community is here to embrace and elevate your riding experience.
Reach out today and discover how being part of our equestrian family can empower and enhance your passion for riding.